Folk's policy for sustainability and social responsibility

Our goal:

Our business must work in a sustainable and responsible way, where the UN’s sustainability goals and the UN’s Global Compact (UNGC) provide guidelines for our work.

We are guided by national laws and regulations, as well as international frameworks and good practice. Good dialogue and cooperation with our stakeholders must be an important part of our way of working.

Folk AS og samfunnsansvar

Folk AS’ rules of conduct (Ethical guidelines/Code of conduct) describes our basic principles for sustainable and responsible behavior and has been adopted by the board. The code of conduct applies to all persons who work in and for Folk AS,

Expectations for our suppliers are described in Business Ethics for Folk AS’s suppliers, and all partners are expected to act in accordance with these.


The UN’s 10 principles for responsible business – ref. the UN’s Global Compact (UNGC) must be adhered to:

Human rights
Companies must support and respect the protection of internationally recognized human rights, and ensure that they do not contribute to violations of human rights.

Companies must maintain freedom of association and ensure that employees’ right to conduct collective negotiations is recognized in practice, and abolish all forms of forced labour, ensure the real abolition of child labour, and ensure that discrimination in working life is abolished.

Companies must support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, and take the initiative to promote increased environmental responsibility, and encourage the development and use of environmentally friendly technology.

Companies must fight any form of corruption, including extortion and bribery.

Through our certifications, Audited Employer and Management systems for quality NS-EN ISO9001:2015, we have concrete tools for compliance, control and improvement. Our organization has a strong focus on the environment, HSE and ethics throughout our value chain.

Folk AS and sustainability

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are the world’s joint work plan to eradicate poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change by 2030.

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals consist of 17 goals and 169 sub-goals. The goals must act as a common global direction for countries, businesses and civil society.



For Folk AS, sustainability is about taking economic, social and environmental conditions into account. We will focus on sustainable solutions, whether in our own organization or when we carry out assignments for our customers. We want to influence where we have the opportunity to make a difference.

Our focus areas:

  • Be environmentally conscious both when handling waste and when purchasing products
  • Take care of our colleagues and contribute to a good working environment for everyone.
  • Ensure a good balance between work and leisure.
  • Contribute to a safe working environment via good dialogue and regular follow-up.

Achieve equality and strengthen the position of girls and women in society

  • Be aware of gender equality
  • Work actively for equality
  • Think through how we refer to equality
  • Speak up if we notice that equality is not being respected.
  • Lead by example.

Promote lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full employment and decent work for all.

  • Be a responsible employer and employee
  • Make demands on ourselves and others, and dare to speak up when we see injustice.
  • We must comply with laws, regulations and international conventions

Reduce inequality within and between countries.

  • Have zero tolerance for discrimination
  • Support local or international measures to reduce inequalities
  • Contribute to an inclusive working environment and increased diversity

This is how our work with sustainability and social responsibility is checked, directly or indirectly:

Continuous deviation reports. Employee and customer surveys. Risk assessments. Internal audits of our routines. Quality control. Vendor ratings. Reporting on equality and transparency.

External audits by People at ISO and Audited employer