Your CV is important!
It’s a tool that will help to «sell» you to potential Principals/Employers – to awaken their interest in you.


Include all education and work experience, but focus on that which is most relevant for the position in a short summary at the start of the CV. It is therefore important that you include everything that may be relevant for the area(s) you wish to work in – or for the concrete position you are applying for.

Your CV shall be well laid out, easily understood and without spelling or grammatical errors.
Education, courses and work experience must be set up in chronological order with the most recent date first.



Not too long and not too short….
The length of your CV will obviously depend on the scope of your education and/or work experience.

If you have little or no work experience, your CV will be perhaps 1-2 pages. Remember to include work practice in connection with education, write a little about your post-graduate or diploma thesis and/or summer or part-time/weekend jobs you have had.

If you have long experience with a large number of employers in many projects then it stands to reason that your CV will be longer.
It is important to us that you do not exclude any information due to the length of your CV.



Personalia – Name, address, telephone number, e-mail, date of birth, civil status

Summary – Short summary of your expertise / qualifications and personal characteristics.

Education – Formal theoretical education for which you have diplomas and similar.
Include any title and subject lines.
Remember: The most recent first!

Practice – Period of time, company name, your job title, description of the post;
work tasks, areas of responsibility if applicable, project experience and computer tools
/programs you have experience with.
The same rule of most recent first also applies here.

Courses – Relevant courses. If the course has resulted in a certificate state the validity of this.

IT skills – Include all computer programs you have experience with (work, education, private)

Special posts / tasks – Special posts you have held (including honorary posts) periods of time for.

Other qualifications – Languages, other useful knowledge and/or skills


Tips on the interview
Preparation is key. If you are well prepared you significantly increase the chances of getting an offer.

The interview


Prepare yourself by acquiring a basic knowledge of the company prior to attending the interview.

Many dread the interview because they are unsure how to conduct themselves, dress and so forth. The main rule is simply to be yourself and not to exaggerate in any way.

It’s a good idea to have your CV and the positions vacant advertisement in front of you during the interview, these can be helpful aids and show that you are a well-prepared applicant.

Always take copies of references with you, even if you enclosed these with your application. It’s also a good idea to have a list of references that you can hand to the interviewer(s).

Being called into an interview brings you a step closer, but you haven’t achieved your goal yet. Keep in mind that it is highly likely that you are not the sole interviewee.

It is therefore of prime importance that you are well prepared and show that you are positive and engaged. Think carefully about why you want the job.

What are your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the job. It is important that you have a well-considered attitude to this!

Make sure that you have the correct address of the venue for the interview and that you know where it is so that you can estimate travelling time.

Arrive in good time – don’t be late!

The interview

There usually be from one to three persons present at the interview, but there may be more. Greet each of them with a firm handshake and state your name.

It is usual for the interviewers to give a short presentation of the company before he/she describes the position you are being interviewed for.

If the interview is at the Principal’s facilities do not discuss wages or salary. This will be agreed with us in advance of the presentation.

The interviewer(s) will want to find out about your background, personal characteristics and talents, interests, motivation and suitability for the position.

You may be asked about any or all of these themes: work experience, relationships to superiors, colleagues and subordinates, leisure time activities and interests, family and social relationships, conduct and reactions. Answer as honestly and concretely as you can. It’s a good idea to give some thought in advance of the interview to how you will answer such questions.

In addition to that we have checked your references prior to the interview with the client, some of our clients will also wish to check your references. You may be asked about your relationship with the reference persons you have supplied or perhaps be asked to supply additional references. It is therefore important that you clarify these matters with your reference persons in advance of the interview.

Remember to ask

  • Will training be given?
  • To whom will you report?
  • Who you will be working with?
  • When the final decision will be taken?

Frequently asked questions

  • Tell us about yourself
  • What do you know about our company?
  • Why did you apply for the position?
  • What do you have to offer that will convince us to select you?
  • What in your opinion are the most engaging and the most tedious aspects of the job?
  • How would you describe a good working environment?
  • Why should we employ you?
  • How long to do you intend to stay with us?
  • Have you also applied for work elsewhere?

Please contact us if you would like more information or an informal conversation with us.

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“Folk gives its very best for the employees and their interests.”


“Folk has been highly professional, easy to get in touch with, and we are truly pleased with the entire process”


“You are truly good at personal follow-up, and it's quite evident you care deeply about your consultants feeling well taken care of”


“really good cooperation with Folk that works extremely well. Good systems og routines. They are someone to trust.”
